Turning Blue into Green: An Introduction to the Montana Water Market
by Chris Corbin with Lotic Water Marketing.
Flow Restoration in MT: Water Right Leasing, Source Switching & Irrigation Efficiency
by Rankin Holmes with Montana Water Trust.
With funding from MT DEQ, BRWF is hosting two speakers on water marketing and flow restoration in Montana. A question and answer discussion will follow the presentation. The presentation is free and open to the public; light refreshments will be served.
Bitterroot Public Library
www.bitterrootpubliclibrary.org306 State Street
Hamilton, MT 59840-2759
(406) 363-1670
Get directions
For more information, contact:
Laurie Riley, Executive Director
Bitter Root Water Forum
PO Box 1247
Hamilton, Montana 59840
(406) 375-2272
Email brwaterforum@bitterroot.net